Honest question: when landlord's apartments have a 20% occupancy rate this summer due to evictions amid a pandemic and recession, who do they think will instantly fill that void? https://twitter.com/anarchotrash/status/1278337171758473216
(NYC) I'm not talking about commercial landlords, or properties meant to get flipped or sold, or already-unaffordable neighborhoods (say, Bklyn) where (say, white) gentrifiers might fill that gap
Landlords have ZERO sure income or tenant alternatives: University students signing new leases for the fall? Nope
Out-of-towners here on long-term business? Nope
Rich folks looking for pied-à-terres? Nope
Air B and B racketeers? Nope
My building is mostly middle-to-low income and working class. Since the beginning of April it's seen a rash of vacancies due to Covid-19 (either because people died in their apartments or fled/had to flee due to not being able to afford rent)
It's not a building nor is it in a neighborhood that will suddenly swarm w/new renters that can afford monthly rent
So, will the landlords just evict everyone, THEN go bankrupt sitting on empty buildings? Or will they cash out in a bad market?
It's absurd that Capitalism™ *needs* money right now and the faucet's off because 2020 shut off the water, yet landlords & bosses & CEO's act as if their not making money during a pandemic is a willful act by others to deny them
As if the 99% aren't ALL living in the same timeline and under the same pandemic and economic conditions right now
Don't take it personally!
It's not you, it's capitalism
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