The World is Scary So I'm Googling Chickens I Would Like One Day For My Imaginary Farm™: a thread
The Rhode Island Red is a classy hen. Look how red! They lay lots of eggs and are cute. 10/10
This one has speckles! It's a Sussex chicken, apparently a fashion model of the chicken world by the looks of it. It also lays a lot of eggs.
A Plymouth chicken: looks like Tim Burton drew it. This is a Nightmare Before Christmas kind of chicken. Love her
The Bantam chicken was recommended to me and she does NOT disappoint, wtf? This bird looks like she makes more money than I ever will and buys Prada. Runway bird. Americas Next Top Model tier.

Apparently there are many types of bantams, but this one is setting the bar
Oh. No. It got better, This is a Polish Frizzle Bantam. The name kind of sounds like an obscure mixed drink that would get me absolutely smashed. I love this chicken so much 11/10
The Buff Orpington is apparently very tame and friendly! Dhe looks like a feather pillow that got overstuffed and I love that for her, what a look. Would attempt to cuddle this chicken.
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