Good morning, Fam. Doing another fundraiser for a different Black Girl, this one who is currently incarcerated in a county jail for missing a court date. She is 19 & aged out of the youth prison system. We can talk about why I use the term Girl instead of woman, if you'd like 1/
As you can imagine, jails and prisons-already places of gender and sexual violence-are hotspots for COVID. Like most places, Kansas has completely mismanaged the response to COVID (articles below). 2/
When you consider who we incarcerate: multiply-marginalized Black, Indigenous, Latinx folx who are often also disabled, queer, trans, & gender non-conforming-it matters who we are leaving to suffer COVID in jails & prisons. No crime should be a death sentence, even by neglect 3/
If you are looking for other ways to support, there are a number of bail funds, donations to prison libraries and send a letter to your governor demanding release of incarcerated people due to COVID. 4/
Especially because the common response by prisons and governments instead of release has often been constant segregation, few to no visits, & other conditions that are inhumane. Plus the money that prisons & private companies make off of phone calls & video chats is excessive 5/
All that to say, let's get this Black girl out of jail, out of harm's way and into safety. Her job & apartment are there for another week. Please Venmo me if you are willing to donate or signal boost on social media. The amount needed for bail is $650.
Venmo: Subini-Annamma
Venmo if you can donate or signal boost. Please use the note: Black Girl Bail Fund in your donation. The amount needed for bail is $650.
Venmo: Subini-Annamma
Reason: Black Girl Bail Fund #FreeThemAll #AbolishPrisons #AbolishPolice #AbolishIce 9/9
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