
| Pride and Illusion- Chains that bind |

Take no pride in your possessions" When one achieves something, one need not feel proud about such achievements. A true spiritual person is one who feels grateful of his successes or achievements. If one is successful,
it is due to the Divine laws and nothing to do with one's egoistic will. If one is a good speaker, the vocal chord is not created by anyone but one is blessed by the laws of nature or the Lord. If one can remember and quote many things during a speech,
it is the work of a brain not created by any1 but one is endowed by existence which is nothing but the work of ishwara. Indeed, one has to grateful to all that one is endowed with rather than feeling proud about. It is certainly wrong to feel proud whether one is rich,
or young or 1has many friends.
feeling proud is a mere excuse of being egoistic.The real culprit is that one's ego is alwys waiting 4 some excuses to throw out its foolishness&inner toxicity.Arrogance is an expression of a symptom where energies within 1self which r disorganized.
A disorganized inner development has ego as its general and it throws out arrogance. One has to be aware of the games of ego. Its ways can be gross or subtle. A spiritual seeker should catch it right and not allow them to rule one's life.
If you throw it out from one door, it enters through another. Its ways are subtle and manipulative. Beware of its presence. Its presence is the absence of goodness. The foolish idea of renunciation – sanyas, is leaving the world
but the true meaning is renouncing one's ego and its arrogance. If one is truly living a conscious life and not a life of sleep-fullness, one will realise that, 'time snatches away all these... money, youth, power and people in a second, says the great Adi Shankaracharya.
If all these are changing, there must be a changeless principle and the great Adi Shankaracharya invites us to enter into this world of enlightenment. Life's higher purpose is to search for that state of 'Being – enlightenment.
See the illusory nature of the world.The world is not an illusion as such but the way you see the world is an illusion. You see the world filled with your desires, expectations, upsets, and unhappy memories.
Then you superimpose on the objective world your subjective garbage and thus live in subjective creation - jiva sritshti, and not in the Lord's world - iswara sritsti. "Realise the state of Brahman and enter into it, he says in this verse.
Man's journey appears to be in the following order:

From one state of unhappiness to another state of unhappiness like one getting into wrong habits of smoking, drinking...

Second stage is from state of unhappiness to state of happiness...
seeking right ways to be happy. The third stage is from state of happiness to state of happiness. He now gets into another trap of seeking more happiness and gets lost in wanting more happiness. The last and wise stage is, from a state of happiness to no ego
and the state of Brahman... that of Brahmapadam where one can stand face to face with truth and that too as an inner experience. Such an experience where there is no subject but pure experience.
These are not just words but a content which cannot be contained by any words. Pride strengthens the ego and to drop this pride is to weaken the ego. To see the world as it is and not influenced by the ego is being in the right path to enlightenment.

Sukhabhodhnanda - Aadishankaracharya !
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