Logical Questions. #45
"Is hating White people mandatory?"


So yes, I support BLM. I support POC. FFS, I am brown. I will speak up if I see racist behavior. Yes, I stand in solidarity with PoC. Again, FFS, I am brown.

But is hating white people mandatory? Is it necessary
to prove your "empathy-for-black-people quotient"? I am sorry, if it is, I cannot play that game. I will not indulge in identity-politics.
While racism & racists exist, I've interacted with some wonderful White people. And yes, I've personally encountered racism -

from ALL colors. Yes all colors.

And to those who think some of us brown peeps are not vocal enough because we are tickled pink by being called "model minority". Moorkh! I don't need a patta of recognition. Whatever I do is because even at my age, what my parents think


So no, I am not going to hate on all white people.
And "privilege", I am sorry WTF is this privilege nonsense?
None of us chooses where we are born. And yes, based on where we are born, we get to avoid certain hardships. But should we be constantly apologizing
for that? Hell no.
Newsflash: life's not fair. There's always someone richer, much more beautiful, "cooler", much more articulate, taller, popular blah blah than you. Deal with it.

Yes, what Black people went thru is unique. Their struggles paved the way for other PoC.
(So my way of respecting them is to NEVER equate anyone's experience with theirs. I respect them by acknowledging that they need their space & it shouldn't be hijacked by *other* political movements.)
But "privilege" should result in empathy, gratitude & kindness
not, guilt, shame & self-hatred.

Also, why aren't people talking about the other brown people: Native Americans?
Anyway, I see a lot of white people who are working-class. Sure they don't carry the baggage that PoC do; however, who am I to minimize their struggles?

So no, I am not going to hate all White people.
I have nothing to prove.
I am not going to waste my time proving I am "model minority."
I am not going to hate someone to prove I support BLM.
I will not use *your* words to tell my story or articulate my empathy.

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