The 40 Best Fantasy Movies of All Time 
40. Gaspar Noé's #EnterTheVoid is as close as he's ever gotten to making a fantasy movie, and what a mind-frazzling fantasy world he unleashes: 
36. Henry Selick’s stop-motion dazzler #Coraline is accessible for all ages. You want to get lost in every corner of its animated dream world: 
34. Edgar Wright's #ScottPilgrim is a relentlessly clever graphic novel come to life that combines frenetic thrills and heartfelt emotion:  @edgarwright
29. #PrincessMononoke elevates Miyazaki's style with visceral set pieces, plus a world that would define a new generation of fantasy storytellers: 
7. Del Toro's #PansLabyrinth is a grim and eerie spin on “Alice in Wonderland" that exists somewhere between reality and dreams without bothering to sort out which is which:  @RealGDT
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