People need to closely watch what is happening in the SBC. Leaders in the SBC continually lecture about how there are not enough different ethnicities serving in leadership. I wholeheartedly agree that it is a good thing for us to be more ethnically diverse for the RIGHT reasons.
I was extremely frustrated when SBC had 5 leadership openings & every one was filled with someone white. We are left to believe that either the SBC leadership doesn’t mean what they say about “ethnic diversity” or they couldn’t find ONE black person qualified to fill ANY position
I have listened to almost every SBC leader continually say our leadership needs to look more like the ethnically diverse picture of Revelation 5, but whenever they have a direct opportunity to make changes, the leadership choices continue to look like a picture of 1955.
Let’s honestly admit that the leadership of the SBC is full of hypocrisy when it comes to ethnic diversity! Yes, they WANT diversity... SOMEDAY. Just ask, “why hasn’t one white person stepped down from or turned down a position so it could be filled with a ‘person of color?’”
Well, I do know one. @PastorMikeStone relinquished his position of chairman of the @SBCExecComm and was replaced by a qualified “person of color.” That’s good, right? NO! @SBCvoices and others found a way to vilify Mike rather than praise him for doing what others don’t do.
This is sheer and utter hypocrisy. No one criticized @jdgreear for remaining as SBC President for an unprecedented THIRD term. Rather than retiring the Broadus gavel, he could’ve retired himself! And I am not saying that he necessarily should have. I’m just saying he COULD have.
Let me be clear. We should never put anyone in a position who’s not qualified to lead there. And I’m willing to trust churches and the SBC institutions to appoint the person they believe is MOST qualified to fill the postion, regardless of ethnicity. But stop the hypocrisy!
The SBC is filled with white guys who lecture everyone about a need for ethnic diversity while they maintain power. I pointed this out with @SBCvoices and their article calling for ethnic diversity, while their own group is as white as a leper colony or an @ERLC Christmas party.
. @SBCvoices has a right to have their team consist of whoever they want. I assume the men on their team are the ones they feel are most qualified and that there’s good reason they only have one “person of color.” But they have no right to be the “ethnic diversity” police.
The same is true for ALL the SBC. I pray God raises up more people of all ethnicities who are qualified to lead in our convention & churches. If more equipping is needed for this, we should work to do so. But that won’t happen as long as we choose hypocrisy over authenticity.
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