girls here are some tips in case you are in a position of getting taken advantage of (please retweet so that alot of girls see this)
1. focus on the attackers most vulnerable places which are: the nose, throat, groin, or eyes.
2. dont hit on the chest because that is very uneffective and wont push him off
3. aim for the knees and hit hard. that will cause alot of pain and u could break the bone.
4. i know that when you’re in that position, you are most likely shocked but you need to refocus your self and scream very loud and use all of your strength to push him off
5. if you’re going to punch the guy, use your elbows they are much stronger than your hands and will inflict pain that gives you a momentum to hit the groin and run away
i am still doing more research on more ways to be able to handle yourself so i might be retweeting this later with more ways. And this thread could also be used for when a guy is in the same position
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