It’s based on my tactics in my own constituency, where my team and I persuaded thousands of moderate Conservative voters that we were the better option, whilst also securing support from progressive, centre-left voters. We overturned a 9,500 Conservative majority in 2017.
First, let's get one thing absolutely crystal clear. 43 of our top 50 target seats are Conservative facing, from St. Ives to South Cambridgeshire to Cheadle. My plan is focused on winning these seats at the next election, whilst building the party across the country.
So, how do we win? By:
✅ Working with local campaigners
✅ More and better resources for volunteers/local parties
✅ Building a message which addresses the mainstream concerns of voters
✅ Taking every election seriously, whether it be council or Senedd, Holyrood or Westminster.
We must listen to local campaigners. It's essential we tap into their expertise. We need a partnership approach, not top down. I've already been listening to local parties through Zoom calls up and down the country, and as leader, this would continue.
We must provide more and better resources for our volunteers and local parties. We need to invest in our staff and in training and development for a new generation of Lib Dem campaigners. ALDC, HQ, state and regional parties all have a role to play here.
Our message is vital, and must address the mainstream concerns of ordinary voters – schools, the economy, care for loved ones, the environment. That's why my message will be a simple one: the Lib Dems will provide the security for every individual to live life as they choose.
That means economic security through policies like UBI and investment in public services, and grasping the opportunity post-COVID-19 to provide a new deal for carers and world-class education in a greener, carbon-negative Britain.
And we have to win at every level. That needs an integrated approach to campaigning, with support for Local Parties from the smallest to the largest. We must build on the trust we build locally to gain seats at Westminster, the Senedd and at Holyrood.
We did all this in my seat, persuading thousands of moderate Conservative voters that we were the better option. We overturned a 9,500 Tory majority in 2017, we routed the Tories in the locals, and we increased the majority to 9,000 in December.
So, I know what it takes to beat the Conservatives. If elected, I will listen to members across the country, and working with local parties from the bottom up, push the Tories back at every level and win our target seats. That is my number one focus.
If you like my plan to get the Lib Dems winning again at every level, make sure you sign up at  today. And I'm keen to listen to your thoughts: make sure you tweet me your views with the hashtag #MoranPlan!
You can follow @LaylaMoran.
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