Through these protests the people of #HongKong have turned to the flag of the Crown Colony as a symbol of defiance, and a plea for protection.

It seems to me that the clear response would be to re-establish the concept of British Protectorates.
The plan to bring up to 3m refugees from Hong Kong is a weak cop-out response from our government. Itā€™s the latest in a long list of letting the PRC away with murder (literally and figuratively), and much worse.
While Iā€™m sure the Hong Kong refugees may show a patriotism and sense of appreciation for our country that would put many to shame, the solution isnā€™t in surrendering their country to the PRC as we allowed to happen in 1997.
Iā€™m no hawk for neo-con regime change war, but the United Kingdom has a duty to protect her former subjects, especially as these are the fruits of our own doing (Firstly, in adopting the One China Policy. Secondly in the 1997 Handover).
The appropriate action in my view, long overdue, is the establishment of a British Protectorate in Hong Kong, with international approval ideally.

This will not happen. The PRC is an all important cog for international neo-liberal capital. There will never be a firm response.
This isnā€™t even an Imperialistā€™s Fantasty British Empire LARPing. It is genuinely the only just tackling of the Peopleā€™s Republic of China.
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