It is perfectly clear that the Disintegrationist view of America -- that America is inherently bad, that its systems are immutably racist -- is no longer counterculture, it is the dominant culture of our major institutions, from universities to media to Hollywood.
The Right is losing the culture war because it is not fighting a culture war. The Right fights in the culture by electing Republicans. But culture is the ship upon which we sit; the politicians we elect are the deck chairs.
The arrangement of the deck chairs matters a lot when the boat isn't sinking. But when you've neglected the upkeep of the ship for generations, and the ship is sinking, electing politicians who will be sliding along the deck in the direction of the tilt won't fix the problem.
The dominant institutional culture of America is now post-Americanism. In the same way the counterculture became the administration at universities in the 1960s, the counterculture is now the mainstream culture in the most important pillars of informational dissemination.
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