'Keir Starmer has lost the Vice magazine vote, and Labour should be worried'*

*In other news, the party's membership is up to 580,000

I see Owen Jones has written a similar article. Obviously you don't want to lose any voters, but it's very anecdotal (you were always going to find young people 'inspired' by Corbyn who are a bit miffed Labour ain't their baby no more...
There's no evidence of a decline in the polls - and that general group of young voters are less bothered about performative radicalism than say, noisy young people upset Corbyn's gone. Promise to build some houses, fund stuff, don't be Tories - still probs in your camp.
Which is before we get into opportunity costs. Any decision to give one group of voters exactly what they want, will piss off others. To put it bluntly, the voters Labour is 'losing' aren't geographical well spread, nor do they tend to turn out as much.
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