I'm in real danger of becoming one of those "bubble" people, y'all.
I have a very old friend on facebook (known him since I was 10) who has a raging case of TDS and posts every shitty leftist meme (and we all know the quality of the left's memes) he can find...
...and facebook doesn't even fact check and cover the obviously fake shit.

The "Trump's a stupid doody-head" stuff is laughable, but still just opinion, but when they let the blatant "Trump said..." or "Trump did this..." bullshit slide, it's tough not to get a little angry.
And I'm not even a Trump SUPPORTER, ffs. Only in that I support the President and want to see the country do well under his administration. I didn't vote for him in 2016, but will do so in 2020.
I dislike Republicans. I like Democrats even less. The fact that both parties are seemingly out to destroy him makes me think he's over the target and taking flak.
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