CW Homophobia, Suicide

Lots of parents of LGBTQ+ kids out there who are accepting these days. Still a lot who aren't. Of the accepting parents, I often hear "I knew my kid was gay when they were very young. It was obvious". Lots of parents also say "I knew before they did" &...
it's been true in many cases.

The parents who took a little while to come around to it often say "I knew, but ignored it. I hoped it was phase." Deeper conversations with those parents reveal that the hoping part wasn't about their kids sexuality as much as how the parents...
... would be perceived by other adults. "What will our friends say?" is a line that is extremely common. Having a queer kid is *inconvenient*. It will be an *inconvenient* stand that (eventually) supportive parents have 2 take to support their kids.

Then there's the "I worry...
.. for their safety" line.

I get it. You don't want your kid to face discrimination, potential violence. Homophobia is real. To this I always point out that we KNOW who we are and living in the closet does more harm to us than good. Denying who we are to "fit in" out of fear...
... harms us. Many LGBTQ+ kids stay in the closet. It can take decades for some of us to feel ready to come out. That's decades worth of suffering. Decades, if we live that long. Suicide rates are high for LGBTQ+ kids. Having supportive parents can and does reduce those rates.
The *inconvenience* of having a queer kid should never outweigh their peace of mind. Their acceptance of themselves is vital to their mental health & if u aren't supporting your kid, u're a barrier to that self acceptance. That harms us. It can kill us just as sure as...
homophobia can.

Homophobic parents, even the fear that parents will be homophobes are the most often cited causes of LGBTQ+ kids remaining in the closet. The fear of rejection. The fear of physical violence. The fear of conversion therapy. The fear of being thrown out onto the..
...streets. All of these things are things (& there are more) that homophobic parents do to their LGBTQ+ kids.

If you aren't prepared to love your kid unconditionally, then don't have kids at all.

Support your LGBTQ+ kids.
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