I’ve come back to this multiple times as the single best summary and condensation of the experiences and observations of everyone I’ve spoken to who canvassed that election. Would be interested to know if anyone thinks differently. https://twitter.com/sislocative/status/1278636789494923264
FWIW I’ve always particularly liked Luke’s analysis here because it meshes perfectly with the theoretical approach that we’re developing for the hegemony book.
One thing that seems to me implicit here and also consistent with most reports from canvassing is the idea that voters might have a pretty canny sense of what’s actually materially feasible and could smell a mile off the fact that a Corbyn government was going to be destroyed.
There’s something here about the need to assemble a sufficiently impressive array of forces to make it look like you might actually win the inevitable showdowns with capital over major reforms, and the idea that voters can tell if you haven’t, even if they like the policies.
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