Breaking my hiatus for a minute: this morning's #TOpoli Board of Health meeting. Check latest #COVID19 & #HealthEquity updates at

Or stream live starting at 9.30 am:
Tune in now to hear @TOPublicHealth's Liz Corson on social determinants #sdoh #data and #COVID19 in #toronto.
Lowest income group 3x higher covid rates than highest income group. @AllianceON
NEW DATA: Household #overcrowding and unsuitable #housing. 4x higher than non-crowded housing. Core housing need as a whole (affordability and other factors) also key.
#Indigenous identity data excluded because under-reported. TPH working with Indigenous communities on safe, appropriate data collection.
Possible pathways
Next steps with @health_commons, @TOPublicHealth, @UWGreaterTO & local community tables
. @epdevilla on "active engagement" with communities. Mobile testing units, appropriate communications, community organizations, informed by data.
. @epdevilla says #ubi, #antiracism action, other key measures being considered now.
Amazing to see all the work behind the scenes to update and overhaul IT and data infrastructure to support COVID-19 response.
. @joshfullan @CityMaximum tells the board that the health and #mentalhealth of #children and #youth in Toronto are more strongly affected by #COVID19 and its responses than their peers outside the city.
Urban kids have less space, less time outdoors, more screen time. More studies coming on disaggregating these data by sociodemographic factors.
TPH exploring #nudgeunits (behavioural scientists) on how to create environments that support behaviours that reduce risk of transmission.
I've asked for data on #parent and #caregivers #mentalhealth and wellbeing, with an emphasis on effects on #women, as we prepare for school and childcare reopening. Can we really keep up simultaneous fulltime parenting, home schooling, and working in isolation?
. @kristynwongtam asks how essentials of #water, #sanitation and #hygiene will be provided for people living in encampments, without homes or washrooms. Is there a public health *directive* that #WaSH are essential?
You can follow @KateMMulligan.
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