BRADY Material owed is owed until the case is gone i.e. more material exonerating Flynn and others is coming. #ObamaGate #KhashoggiKoolAid
"The longer Judge Sullivan takes to dismiss the case, the more stuff they still owe me..."
Could this be one of the reasons the JAN 30 MEMO that exonerates @GenFlynn all things Russia went out the window? @SidneyPowell1

February 1, 2017
The recent revelations disclosed @WalidPhares would be in line with attempts by 44's admin attempts to keep their awful policies re Iran + Egyptian MB intact.
+ same cast of characters involved with the dossier, Ukraine, Syria, Libya and Egypt. When President Sisi saved Egypt songbird + Lindsey called it a coup! These rats are also who 44 sent to Egypt described about by Mr. Phares.
@SidneyPowell1 points out that the case for obstruction built around 45 saying Flynn was a good guy and hope works out.....the questions raised already resolved in JAN 30 memo...
Obstruction via Hope
The unmaskings by NATO critters in December 2016 and the ambassador to Turkey was not a mystery if paying attention to Syria...
December 2015 is when Flynn went to Russia...there was also a lot of stuff going on in Syria at the time...
What was reported back must have been a frightening preview for 44, et al
Let's not forget the manipulated intel coming out of CENTCOM re the pets
Or that 44 lost control of the wars in the fall of 2016
"I caught the swamp. I caught them all."
What did 45 find when Baghdadi was killed? Receipts
Where was he found? Idlib
Where are the pet terrorist going to Libya come from? Idlib
Bad clowns that are still operating are using 🦃as a proxy I do believe as well as the embassies in Syria, Turkey, Tunis + Libya
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