This photo was taken at one of the last shows we did before Lock Down. It's the entire cast of A-Musical, made up of comedians, performers, musicians and writers who created a live comedy musical of a classic Buffy episode.

#letthemusicplay #saveourvenues
Who you don't see here are the incredible tech team, from sound, lighting, AV to stage managers. Or the brilliant bar staff, floor staff, security or cleaners. The marketing team, the venue managers. We could go on.

#letthemusicplay #saveourvenues
There are so many people involved with making venue's run & for shows to happen and all their jobs and futures are at risk, not just here at The Grand but across the entire country.
#letthemusicplay #saveourvenues
We need the government support for our entire industry & we need your help in letting them know this! Please share these & pics of your the last shows, gigs, events you came to and spread the love & support for everyone involved in putting them on.
#letthemusicplay #saveourvenues
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