There's a lot of anti-Israel misinformation going round, partly thanks to @ukblm - so here's a thread for anti-Zionists. (1/6)
If you believe Israel's actions make it illegitimate, does the PLO's refusal to negotiate or accept peace plans, financing of terrorism, terrible human rights record - particularly regarding LGBT people and women - and refusal to hold elections make Palestine illegitimate? (2/6)
If you believe Jews have no claim to Israel, you won't know that the only independent states there in history were Jewish & Jews are the indigenous population and consistently lived there. Jews bought land legally, accepted every peace plan and only took more when attacked. (3/6)
And think about it. If you oppose Israel's existence, what do you believe should happen? Should every Jew, almost all of whom either were born there or have lived there for 72+ years, be deported? Or should we just allow Hamas, Hezbollah and the PLO to massacre them? (4/6)
If you've read this thread and thought "I support Israel's existence, I just oppose its policies", then guess what: you're not anti-Zionist. Zionism is by definition the belief in the Jewish right to self-determination. Anti-Zionism is the belief in the opposite. (5/6)
Whether you like it or not, Israel exists. If you believe it shouldn't, you are either actively or passively propagating anti-Semitism. There's no way about it. Targeting the only Jewish state for extinction is anti-Semitic. It's that simple. (6/6)
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