Be clear. The sec 30 case IS NOT "asking" if the Scottish Parl has the power to hold a referendum without WM consent. We state categorically that the Scottish Parliament "already has the power". This case is about confirming it and daring the Tories to prove otherwise.
We're not acquiescing to a position of asserted dominance over us by Westminster and extending our hands like a national oliver asking "please sir! can we have some more!". Independence isn't born out of acquiescence. It's born out of saying we are independent! Prove otherwise!
You don't walk into a shop and seek the permission of the salesperson to give them your money or buy their product. You assert your dominant position as the customer, note your interest in something and then demand they tell you why you should buy it from them.
Why should it be any different with nationhood? The Scottish Parl can deliver a far better future to the people of Scotland. EM offers nothing we can't do here ourselves. The difference is that their salespeople lied to us in 2014, so why should we ever buy from them again?.
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