02/07 Scottish Coronavirus briefing thread.
This could be a long one folks as Sturgeon announces things that she told us she was going to announce a week ago, but is only announcing today.
From my briefing report last week: https://twitter.com/JenRoss4Scot/status/1275762013940125697?s=20
In case the suspense is killing you, here are the things she said she would announce today:
1. They will move to 1m distancing "safely"
2. They will go to 'mandatory' on face masks.
3. Businesses will need to take names and contact details of customers and store them.
If any of the MSM are reading this, could you please ask what message Sturgeon has for c.9000 people who have signed a petition calling for a hard border between Scotland and England?
If you do ask the question, perhaps you would like to reference some of the comments on the petition and ask Sturgeon what she thinks about it?
Only 1,500 people are estimated to be infectious in Scotland. That is a tiny number. Good progress.
Beer gardens can reopen from tomorrow. Nice for them to get 24 hours notice.
Also from tomorrow, travel more than 5 miles will be allowed with one exception...
...you aren't allowed to travel if you are in Annan, Gretna, Dumfries, Lockerbie, Langham and Canonbie. Lots of towns on the border.
The postcodes will be published later. That should be interesting.
Because of these restrictions "You should not travel to pubs south of the border this weekend".
Sturgeon is effectively trying to ban you from England.
How convenient that this border outbreak has occured just on the weekend that English pubs open.
I'm guessing that when the postcodes are released later, all crossing points to England will have been blocked off. Border control by stealth. We should have seen it coming yesterday when this cluster of 10 people with Covid was found. If you look hard enough...
Sigh. The distancing. What a mess. It will stay at 2m until next week, but some businesses can go to 1m, if they take mitigating action. It's the same advice as England but framed differently.
"The guidance will be different for different sectors". As if it isn't difficult enough for businesses.
Not only will they need to do all these mitigation tactics, but they will need to produce signage which says "YOU ARE NOW ENTERING A 1m ZONE" and also follow the 5-point GDPR rules for data collection.
How to kill the economy in a few easy steps by the SNP.
From 10th July, wearing a soggy face nappy will be mandatory in shops. Good luck with that.
NS is about to announce that children can play together.
I have a bit of news for her.
Children have already been playing together for weeks.
Wait for this 😂😏😂
If you are 11 and under, the state says you can play together without distancing, but only outdoors, not indoors, but not if you are shielding, but only in groups of 8 or less, with only 2 households, but the adults still have to stay 2m apart.
If you are 12-17, it is different than the above for 11 and under. You still have to stay 2m apart, but only outdoors, not more that 8 people, but you can meet different groups of friends at different times of day.
Is this a joke? Am I living in a dystopian nightmare?
I'm sorry, she has totally lost the plot. Only 1% of people watch this in Scotland. 99% of people will have no idea what these rules are.
Thinking about that comment asking people not to go to pubs in England. Why? What has that got to do with 10 people having tested positive in Dumfries?
Q. Asking about the air bridges. What is the delay on Scot Gov agreement? She's on the offensive. Saying the UK Gov made changes without telling them and finding it difficult to keep up with changes.
"The UK Govt should spend less time trying to misrepresent and politicise these difficult issues" she says, misrepresenting and politicising these difficult issues.
Has she just accused the UK Govt of trying to 'pick a fight'? This is pathetic. We deserve better than this.
The journos aren't stupid. They are asking how she is going to advise people in Gretna on movement and how she will enforce it. She won't answer on enforcement.
Apparently those areas mentioned at the start are NOT back in lockdown. I'm confused.
NS is saying that the advice about travel in the border is guidance NOT law.
She says it does not apply to the whole of Dumfries and Galloway, so again, why the comment about not going to the pub in England?
Asking not to travel more than 5 miles in
DG16 (only the Scottish part)
OK so here are the postcodes (please correct me if I'm wrong). Again, the question must be, why did she make a comment about not travelling to England.
A less grumpy briefing today but not free of snide and confrontational remarks.
I do not understand how a number of people sat in a room and came up with these guidelines in all seriousness.
The ineptitude is astounding.
Can anyone save us?
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