Make no mistake, the "BLM is marxist plot to abolish the police/the family/white people/heterosexuality/etc" narrative is a re-framing of the old favourite nazi "Judenbolschewismus" conspiracy, and is definitely 100% antisemitic.
Is a* ffs
Lotta people seem to be reading this as "BLM is antisemitic". It is not. Please read it again.
I've been asked to clarify/explain further. Right.

"Judenbolschewismus", German for Jewish Bolshevism, is a nazi era conspiracy theory that held that jews were secretly puppeteering communists and left wing politics to undermine western civilisation. Sound familiar? >>>>
The modern trope of "cultural marxism" is directly related to the nazi JB conspiracy. The idea that shady operators are using a far left political agenda to "destroy the west" is a common rallying cry for the far right and neo nazis. At the moment, BLM is being used by neonazi>>>
recruiters to scare people into joining neonazi movements, and BLM is being accused of being a front for violent marxists/anarchists/sjws/etc. The iteration doesn't matter, it's the fear. By doing so, the right wing is re-using an old nazi conspiracy- Judenbolschewismus. >>>
At the same time, incidentally, the right wing political establishment in the UK has been using fake accusations of antisemitism to attack left wing figures who are supportive of Palestine. UK BLM is also supportive of Palestine, and has been likewise smeared, even by >>>
Prominent jewish organisations in the UK like the Board of Deputies. The BoD are cynical right wing political operatives who do not care at all about antisemitism, but cheerfully weaponise it against their political opponents. It is vital that the truth remains clear: >>>
That antisemitism and racism are structurally united on the right, in conservatism, in fascism. And that Jewish advocates against antisemitism recognise and remain strong in their commitments of solidarity with their black comrades. Black Lives Matter. Daloy Politsey. Solidarity.
PS: the misuse of accusations of AS by bad faith right wing orgs like the BoD against left wing movements muddies the waters in determining what is and is not AS, and makes it harder to identify when it is being deliberately deployed by nazis, as "JB" or "kulturbolschewismus". >>
Conditioning people to be sceptical of the motives behind an accusation of antisemitism, because they've experienced so many bullshit ones, helps one group and one group only: the far right neonazis who do seriously and deliberately use antisemitic conspiracies to recruit.
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