Do not be 𝘵𝘰𝘰 gentle with your babies. They need a little rough housing, especially the boys. Mild physical stress is an important growth trigger for children.

Keeping them overly protected from stimulation is abusive and will retard their development.
Vigorous massages including brushing with a stiff bristled brush and soft pinching increase blood flow and reduces hyper sensitivity.
Stretching and pulling on their arms and legs builds flexibility and strength. (At less than 9 months old the twins can hang from my fingers by their own grip strength).

Squeeze them and let them wiggle free. It is great fun and exercise for both of you.
Make them reach for things. Do not put the toys right in front of them. Make it hard. Give them puzzles to solve before they get at what they want.
Hold them straight out in front of you and tilt them slowly from side to side, then front to back. Let them stabilise themselves. It builds core strength.

Stretch out their fingers and toes. This strengthens their extremities, which is our main contact point with the world.
Spray a little cold water on their feet (or whole body depending on the weather), or take them for a dip in the ocean. They will learn to be comfortable with a little harmless cold.
Let the full power of the sun fall on their naked bodies at mid day for at least a few minutes. They need to feel the heat and bear the light. It is very good for them.
Give them some heavy things to move. Take all the filling out of a stuffed bear. Line it with plastic bags and fill them with clean dry sand. Sew it back up. You now have a heavy bear.
Give them some noisy toys. Mine like a few old metal storage boxes. They knock them down, which makes a terrible racket. The first time it scared them, now they are comfortable with it.
Let them get a bit hungry before you feed them. You will know if you waited to the right time because they devour the food down to the last bit. Our ancestors were in a constant state of hunger. They were strong, lean and energetic not weak, fat and lethargic as todays youth.
Start getting your children comfortable with discomfort and struggle from infancy. Life is struggle, or at least it should be if you are doing anything of value. Learning to revel in the struggle is the right frame for a successful and happy life.
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