//Hi. In light of things that have been happening in the Smash community, I'm here to say under no uncertainty that I will not tolerate people being creepy towards minors.
//We've had this conversation in the past but I'm bringing it up now.
I'm not tolerating creeps in this community. Yes, that means making NSFW jokes around/towards minors.

Be better.
//It's well and good to call out predators when things reach a boil, but we need to prevent them from happening in the first place.
Don't give these people an environment where these things can happen.
//I feel fucking sick.
The internet is a terrible place full of terrible people.

Do your part and help stop them from thriving.
//Whether you believe it or not, if you are an adult in this community, you have a moral obligation to protect the minors in this community.
It's not enough to not support pedophilia, you need to be STAUNCHLY anti-pedophilia.
//And, yes, sometimes that means you have to confront minors, too.
If minors are saying things they shouldn't, you need to tell them to stop.

I don't think people realize how big of a problem this is.
//Time to make myself really unpopular.

If you want to see how deeply rooted this problem goes, check Bad PTRP Tweets.
It's an account run by a 16-year-old. 90% of the tweets on there are sex jokes.
//Here's the full conversation I had with them on Sunday.

They were posting NSFW content a few hours later.
//They didn't take the post in question down, either.

This is not a game. I am not being a puritan.
You, as a minor, are ACTIVELY PUTTING YOURSELF IN DANGER when you do these things.
//The internet is a terrible place filled with disgusting people and this community is absolutely rife with people who will take advantage of you. We've seen this time and time again.
//132 of the people I follow on this account are currently following Bad PTRP Tweets.
I'm not going to single anyone out or shame them, but I want you to stop and think about if you've been complicit in exposing minors to NSFW material.
I know I have, and the thought disgusts me.
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