The side of EXO Kai that Kpop stan Twitter doesn’t want you to see: A thread because he’s been constantly getting dragged for no reason
Kai took part in a campaign called “I want to know” which raises awareness against sexual assault of women in the workplace
Another campaign he participated in was Louis Vuitton’s “make a promise” campaign which helped children in urgent need. All sales were donated to unicef.
Kpop stan Twitter has been shaming him for wearing crop tops/revealing clothes when he’s using his platform to promote gender equality.
EXO surprised students at a school and played games, danced and talked together. When an EXOL joined EXO performing a dance, Jongin got mad at the host for poking fun at the EXOL’s weight.
Jongin said he wanted to become a he could heal people. I’m at the edge of crying. I love and respect this man so much
He did a free photoshoot for ‘The Big Issue’ magazine. It was used to hire homeless as sales clerk at magazine vendors.
Jongin donated 50 million Korean won (approximately $42,000 USD) to Hope Bridge National Disaster Relief Association for Corona Virus relief.
In October 2015, Jongin attended W Korea 10th annual breast cancer awareness event. This campaign helped raise awareness about breast cancer and ways to prevent it. He was one of the 18 starts to walk this red carpet.
He also took part in the “smile” and “a happy world for all children” campaign in 2017 and 2018. This campaign helped 5,000 children in Vietnam receive music education in a better environment.
When he was in a cooking show, he cut the food into bite-size pieces to feed it to the staff
When a fan gave him an orange at a fansign, he shared it with the staff member next to him
He once joined a charity bazaar by auctioning his shoes, the sales went to a charity that helped single mothers in need.
Jongin thanked his Chinese fans for building a charity school for his birthday and said he’s proud of them for spreading happiness and positivity
Jongin, along with other EXO-K members, attended a child welfare agency for years.

“Since last year, EXO-K members visited our institution voluntarily to help cleaning, and play with kids. Before they had visited, they contacted us first to ask for permission to come.“
For HIS birthday, he decorated cakes to give to EXOLs
He always makes sure his fans feel loved by him and in general.
Jongin is a successful idol and public figure who uses his huge platform to promote gender equality, self love, awareness against various issues, body positivity, and more. He himself stated that his face may come off cold, but he’s a warm person inside.
It makes me sad to see such a humble and caring soul get unjustified hate on social media. Especially since he knows what others say about him and uses hate comments/criticism to better himself. Please show him a lot of love. Please respect him. He’s a nice person.
I’m sorry that the thread above contained the most information. I had to search up stuff on twitter and google and that thread was the most helpful. It wasn’t my intention to look like I stole, that’s why I reworded everything. If OP wants me to delete, I will.
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