Some good recommendations from @HLGamblingCom about need to ban sports based promotions and inducement marketing.

However... significant gaps in recommendations around VIP schemes, and the need to take a comprehensive approach to curbs on advertising to protect children. 1./
Children are being caught in the crossfire of the extensive and pervasive marketing strategies that companies are using to either retain their existing customer base, grow their market share, or replace customers who no longer regularly gamble. 2./
Was unusual that the committee didn’t explore in more detail the role of advertising in normalising gambling for children, the impact of exposure, and children’s receptivity to advertising. 3./
The focus on banning advertising on sports kits, near or in sports venues, or in sports programmes is very important. But the reality is that kids see gambling marketing via multiple media channels. 4./
As our written testimony highlighted, about 75% of kids in our Australian and UK research think gambling is a normal part of sport. Marketing is one influence on their gambling attitudes and future intentions to gamble. 5./
The only way we can significantly reduce children’s exposure to gambling ads is by applying the comprehensive precautionary approach used in other public health initiatives such as Tobacco, which included significant restrictions on advertising, promotions, and sponsorship. 6./
The HoL report says gambling isn’t tobacco - which is true. But we see similar normalisation trajectories in children’s receptivity to the messages they see about gambling 7./
Children in our research are very supportive of advertising restrictions. We need to start seeing this issue through their eyes, rather than through the eyes of multi-million dollar companies. 8./
Their opinions are powerful reminders that they should be empowered to have a voice about this issue - which directly impact them - and that governments should be prepared to listen. 9./
“It would be good if you could stop the ads, because the ads are influencing a lot. . . I don’t think you would be able to stop betting.....if ads go away, sports betting won’t get as much money, which means less people bet because less people actually think about it.” - 12yo
“People want to watch the game and not see the ads, they don’t need to be encouraged to have a bet or see the offers.” - 11yo.

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