1. The duplicity of #BlackLivesMatter is on full display with new insight into where money raised is going. Although believed by the well-meaning Left to be an anti-racism movement, we now know BLM has instead been organized simply as another revenue stream of the Democrat Party.
2. Money raised for #BLM goes through the radical-Left funding platform, ActBlue, which pretends to be a GoFundMe-like service for grassroots activists. But unlike GoFundMe, there’s not the same separation between causes, so money raised across initiatives lands in the same pool.
3. These funds are then “claimed” by activist groups if they want it, but – and here’s the kicker – if the money is never claimed, ActBlue is allowed to disperse it wherever they choose, with ZERO obligation to donors to ensure funds go toward the causes they intended it for.
4. Because of this bizarre centralized monopolistic model, ActBlue easily becomes a 'slush fund' when abused by complicit groups who raise money under any banner, knowing the funds will be allocated to other causes. So here are top beneficiaries of #BlackLivesMatter funds.
5. #BlackLivesMatter , thus, is literally being used to extract donations from well-meaning citizens who oppose racism in order to fund the power-hungry aims of Democrat Party. As always, when seeking to uncover rampant corruption, awake Americans know to follow the money.
7. I'd like to know. To those who donated their money to support the plight of disenfranchised black citizens in their fight against police brutality, how do you feel that your money was just laundered into a political campaign instead? Democrat Party = Organized Crime. -END
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