Effectively, this is to seek to turn Hong Kong into a prison.

If you will be prevented from leaving for somewhere where you are entitled to live, you are detained - and there is a word for a place of detention. https://twitter.com/lilkuo/status/1278540815422423040
The claims it breaches international law are, of course, nonsense. This is the UK amending its domestic practice in relation to those with an existing and recognised status in UK law, one long-since accepted. International law is irrelevant to a matter of purely domestic law.
I’ve said this before, but: China is a rogue state, sending armed forces over the borders of neighbours, ignoring any concept of rights or law, savagely repressing internally and targeting ethnic groups for vicious persecution.

And now, with the Uighur, what amounts to genocide.
If you go through that list, and cross-compare with apartheid South Africa, you’ll tick every box and more.

Xi comes out worse than Magnus Malan by comparison, and that’s some going by any yardstick.
For what apartheid SA did, we rightly isolated it. No normal sport in an abnormal society.

China is not a normal society. A normal society does not force sterilisation and abortion on an ethnic group to reduce their numbers and then sell their hair.

The same rules apply.
We talk, rightly, about Gulf states sportswashing. China does worse, and sportwashes more. We can not wave it off unchallenged or unremarked, any more than we could or did with the Springboks of apartheid.

No ISF should be working with a Chinese state acting in this way.
Peter Hain was right. No normal sport in an abnormal society.

If boycott was right for apartheid - and it was - it’s right for what’s being done to the Uighur.
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