It is becoming increasingly clear that Hindu Terror outfits belonging to RSS have infiltrated the TN police forces

It is almost impossible for Periyarist outfits to get permission even to have an indoor meeting from Police now. It is all falling in place.

A few weeks back our organization was dissuaded by the Police to not have an event celebrating Valentines Day. But we persisted. In many cases, we put a legal team to file cases to get a simple police permission

Blue Shirt Rally in CBE was ultimate. They offered us a road...2/3
that had only Govt offices and vacant grounds on either side so that no one can see how big the crowd is. The body language of the Police was so inimical.

In the Saathankulam case, even the fact that the dead young man was a ADMK/NTK/BJP supporter was no insurance for him

The way slave ADMK Govt tried to poohpooh the case & the eagerness with which RSS terrorists are running around downplaying the dual murder show that a raw nerve has been touched

There is a deeper game in play. Lower level policemen can be easily influenced with inducements 4/5
Were the Hindu terror outfits like SevaBharathi a conduit for brainwashing cops with Hindutva ideology and passing on inducements to cops?

Has the tip of an iceberg been exposed?

Only a thorough investigation will reveal the truth

Truth will prevail


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