Problem with googling stuff about Krem from DA:I - being reminded of exactly how many non-transmasc people seem to think their opinion on whether he's good representation is worth more than that of transmasc folk.
(And yes, that includes other trans people)
(Actually, I'm going to elaborate on this a bit.

Transmasc and transfem experiences are explicitly different in a lot of ways, and you can't map them nice and neatly onto each other.

While I'm on it, don't hire a trans woman to sensitivity-read for a trans male MC. Please)
(or vice versa, but that was the specific choice which got us 'it's absolutely fine that my trans male MC gets his shirt ripped off in front of a tonne of people in an attempt to traumatically out him, and that there is no warning for this - I had a trans sensitivity reader!')
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