Black Lives Matter has nothing to do with the betterment of black lives. Money-laundering scheme for the D party. Foreign and domestic. Illegal.
Unethical. #BLM
"The financial arrangement also further solidifies the purpose for BLM (Obama/Holder) to align with the AME Church network (Clyburn, Sharpton, et al) which facilitates the DNC agenda (Biden, Perez, et al)."
BLM/DTP is how DNC launders $ to Biden campaign.
Keep in mind you are now hearing of multi-million donations to Black Lives Matter from big corporations.  Any corporation that pays into this scheme is actually paying to fund Joe Biden 2020 and the Democrats.  Now all of those “donations” make sense. #BLM #DefundThePolice #DNC
Black Lives Matter" is a shell name owned by the organization "actblue". All donations to BLM go directly to "actblue". Actblue distributes the money to white democrat politicians. Their top 10 recipient list doesn't have a single black individual or black organization.
Black people lose under Black Lives Matter. It mostly goes to rich, white politicians. These people are sick. Joe Biden has gotten over $119 million sitting in his basement not knowing what day it is? These people are sick. Lives are being destroyed.
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