Just found this, thought some people might like this as much as I did. It's a long read, but worth it.

Credit goes to "Simranjeet Singh Gandhi"

Ask any experienced investor/trader, which one of the two decisions is tougher - Buying or selling?
Everyone will tell you it’s the latter, by a wide margin.

When you buy a stock you are full of hope. But when and how to sell?

The decisions in the markets are always made on the odds and an imperfect data. Just because we have bought, doesn’t mean the stock will start..
going up right away. Just because we have sold, doesn’t mean the stock will stop going up right away. Market doesn’t even know we exist. You have to accept the market’s wisdom.

However, still there can be a general guide which can be followed to make the selling decision.
You can think of selling when some of the following happen:

When your original thesis of buying the stock is completely falsified due to whatever reason: SELL IMMEDIATELY

When you clearly know you have made a mistake: SELL IMMEDIATELY

(I've saved ~$200 doing this so far)
When you find a new investment which is really really better than the existing one. However, this will be a rare thing. Do it with caution: SELL PARTIALLY/TOTALLY

(Play on houses money, as they say. I plan on doing this with $IDEX, having found other opportunities to pursue)
Trick is to sell at least some part of the holding when the valuations are very high, and let some part run its course. So, you win either way, to some extent. If the stock goes up after you sell, you have at least some holding.
And, if it goes down, you have at least taken some money off the table already.

(If you think about it, can you lose either way here? I've learned it's better to miss that extra 10-20% than it is to LOSE 20%+ Remember, losing $50 is always worse than winning $50 to your psyche)
However, remember one thing, whatever you may do, there will be some occasions when market will fool you. It is unavoidable.

Markets are designed in a way to make sure that the majority doesn’t make money over a long haul.
You have to be one the side of that exclusive minority to win!

Learn to operate without regrets in markets if you want to be a better investor.

Again, credit to Simranjeet Singh Gandhi for the above.

So, don't get in a hurry.

There's no rush here. There's no "sense of urgency". You lose money when you do that. Haste makes waste.

There is plenty of time to do research, look at charts, play with fibonnacis, etc.
I only just started a few weeks ago, my first trade was $BYFC.

Made it before even using twitter again. Saw BLM stocks were hot on top performers on Webull, did my own research and found $BYFC on my own.

Got in for 100 shares at 1.70 a few hrs before close..
I saw it shoot up to 1.94 just before close, and knew I was onto something. So I got in for 200 more shares, avg 1.82 total investment $546 for 300 shares.

Watched it shoot up to $500 profit, $700, $1200, $1349, never sold.

Thought for sure it was going to $10, hur dur.

Watch it drop, and drop, and drop. Didn't sell it until I was -$150. But that's not the worst part.

I actually bought in AGAIN, and lost another $200.

FOMO is a bankroll killer.
Hype is a bankroll killer.

Learned this lesson the hard way. How did I win over half that back?
Just read the charts. That's it. Only reason I got back in $IDEX again. Sure, hype piqued my interest. But not only was I cautious, I had a plan that was dictated by what the chart told me!

Applied Fibonaccis at 5m, 15m, 30m, and 1h. Studied both them and the graph for hours.
Because I listened to the graph, cleared 25% ROI. And that eliminated over 1/2 my losses.

Why I'm posting.

Take $IDEX for example.

Don't listen to me, don't listen to PR or CEO, don't listen to Hindenburg, just listen to the graph! It tells a story if you willing to read.
Between graph, lvl2 (mandatory if you want to take this srs, get it), volume analysis, graph, fibonacci's, and daily bid/ask, you should be able to come to not only your own conclusion, but your own entry/exit strategy!

Trading is not a sprint, it's a marathon.
10-20% ROI adds up over time.

Getting greedy, being lazy and listening to hype instead of doing the work, chasing loses, FOMO, can deplete 50% or more of your bankroll.

Rather gain $0 for the next 2-3 days while you do your own DD?

Or would you rather lose 50% in a day?
You can follow @kratos015.
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