Perhaps not the most popular view but men who sexually abuse, rape and use positions of power to coerce and manipulate women in our communities should be outed and they should be widely known as they are a danger to others.
I may be called a white knight which is fine. But I’ve seen how sexual abuse, rape and harassment can destroy the physical, mental and spiritual health of a person and it is heartbreaking to witness. Women are suffering in our communities and it needs to be addressed.
The “banter” needs to stop. The degrading comments need to stop. The dismissal of lived experiences needs to stop. Also some may say that outing a guy can ruin his life, I think that’s a small price to pay compared with the woman who is now a shell of herself.
Yes, by addressing the issue with other bros, you may get called that feminist, white knight or liberal but in the grand scheme of things the women in our communities go through a lot worse - and I don’t think that’s a generalisation. Addressing this is the Muslim thing to do.
Many may also use the “hide the sins of your brother hadith”. It’s important this is not misused. From what I know this primarily applies to personal/private sins. We don’t allow someone to hide when they will use that cover to harm others.
If it can be dealt with properly + justly behind closed doors and the affected party is happy, then fine. But in serious cases or with repeat offenders I believe it most definitely needs to be public to prevent others being harmed.
May I be forgiven where I’ve misspoken. May Allah grant solace and healing to those affected by sexual abuse, rape and harassment. Ameen.
And Allah knows best.
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