A suburb is like if I defined my "apartment limits" to be everything but the kitchen and when my gf asked me to cook or buy groceries I'd say, "that's a kitchen problem! kitchen's always asking for handouts!" and then when I got hungry I'd go to the kitchen and eat what I want.
My gf would be like, "you know, the kitchen is part of the apartment, too!" What a dumbass. I already told her that the apt is all the other rooms and the kitchen is separate. Kitchen problems are not my problems. I just get to use the kitchen whenever I want and eat what I want.
I don't know how many times I have to tell her that I arbitrarily decided the kitchen is a separate part of the apt way back in the 19th century. But she's always asking me to help out in the kitchen just because I get to eat all the food in there and use it whenever I want
I don't think it's fair that just because I enjoy all the benefits of the kitchen just like it's any other part of the apartment that I should also have to be responsible for maintaining the kitchen or stocking the food in its fridge or dealing with the trash I create in there.
I mean, yes, it's true, I would never live in an apartment that didn't have a kitchen. In fact, the kitchen in this apt was one of the main reasons we chose to live here. It's a great kitchen! But it's so much work to maintain. I really don't want to also be responsible for that.
Our kitchen is really like the center of the apt. Everybody who visits remarks on how beautiful it is. Our friends come just to see the kitchen, even. Like I said, it's why we chose this apartment! But I just want the benefits of the kitchen without the work of maintaining it.
My gf sometimes falls behind on cleaning the kitchen because she has no help. And then she has to ask for a handout from the rest of the apt. Sad! I even find trash on the floor in there! I'm always complaining about those lazy kitchen people who can't keep their area clean...
She tells me that we should consolidate the apartment. But I don't see how that benefits me! I'd just have to start paying for the stuff I eat and helping clean up the messes I make. Gross! That's work for kitchen people. I think it's only fair that we keep them separate.
I like things the way they are; I use the kitchen during the day and come home to the rest of the apartment at night and never worry about it! (Sometimes I do go into the kitchen at night for a snack. But it's scary when I do that! I like the safety of the rest of the apt.)
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