It will not be enough for Trump to lose. The entirety of Trumpism has to be pulled up by the roots. Those who enabled this evil man, the @GOP Senators/House/White House staff et. al., have to have stripped from them the only thing that seems to matter to them: Their jobs.../1
...The price for abandoning their country; for turning a blind eye as Russians pay to slaughter our troops; for shrugging in disinterest as Trump transformed military aid into a means of blackmail allies to aid his reelection; for allowing 130,000 to die while spewing lies.../2 not only sidestep blame, but to perpetuate the incompetence that cause so many deaths and - in the process - undermining our means of using science to slow the slaughter, for abandoning all of their principles - if they ever had any. They played a short-term game..../3
...looking for friendly winks and nods on Fox, looking to avoid a mean tweet from the man who has done more damage to American than bin Laden could have dreamed to have caused, they sniveled, they crawled, they lied, just for a moment of applause...../4
..history will look at them with the same contempt reserved for those empty, hollow men who sold their souls in Vichy France, who thought they were siding with a "winner" when forgetting the reality that, eventually, evil loses. But it cant be just history that condemns them.../5
...they have to be shamed by stripping them of their jobs, despised for what they have done to us, condemned for their selfishness that led then to allow one man to wreck havoc on this nation. And we know their names: @senatemajldr @LindseyGrahamSC @SenatorCollins @PressSec.../6
... @JohnCornyn @SenTedCruz @marcorubio @SenJoniErnst @SenCoryGardner @ChuckGrassley and more. They must be recognized for the scummy, self-centered, unAmerican sellouts they are, willing to sacrifice our troops for a bit of lucre. Add more names of the shameless in the comments.
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