🚨 🚨 THREAD ALERT 🚨 🚨. Do you believe in coincidence? Yeah neither do I! What are the chances that a Q post today would be directly linked to something I was researching yesterday? Follow me down the 🕳 🐇 as I connect Tesla, Trump, and .... Aliens! 👽 Follow/RT
It all started when someone posted an alleged FBI file stating Tesla was an alien. Being a skeptic I couldn’t take it at face value and decided to research myself. I encourage you to do the same http://vault.fbi.gov 
Exhibit A: the document that started it all. As unbelievable as it is why would the FBI have this “newsletter” archived in their vault?
I myself jokingly said “only in 2020 could finding out Tesla was an alien and that his technologies were being used to communicate with space people be secondary news”. But it sparked my interest to dig deeper.
5 hours of research into Tesla turned up some pretty strange stuff 😳. Then today we got an odd Q link ...
This immediately brought my mind back to Tesla- I mean he did learn how to harness electricity and the earths magnetic fields 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lets talk about what I found in those files!
Tesla had been working on some pretty epic things. We all know about wireless energy and alternating current, but did you know about death rays/teleforce?
This is where it get strange. Tesla was working on plans for a .... “Wall”. Not so much physical but who do we know that built their campaign on “building a wall”? That’s right DJT. Take a look ⬇️
This “invisible” “Chinese” “wall” of defense would be able to melt airplane motors as far as 250 miles away. 😳.
I know you’re probably wondering how this has anything to do with the Q drop from today. Be patient it’s coming ...
So Tesla said we could strategically place “plants” (I’m assuming electrical and not daisys) on the coasts of the United States - as little as 12 to set up this “teleforce”. This force would operate through a .... BEAM!
Now I’m no Tesla but wouldn’t you say that ⬇️ looks like a beam? And what about that post from Dan Scavino where there was a lightning beam that seemed to form a Hebrew Q?
New York is on the coast ... DC is pretty close to the coast-and an area you’d certainly want to protect.
I’m going to quickly bring you back to the initial document, last paragraph. Margaret Storm states that “Nikola Tesla’s inventions will play a role in bringing in the new age. “. It’s easy to miss that part when she’s talking about communicating with space people. 👽
In Fall Cabal the narrator talks about John Trump having access to Tesla’s work. -Again I’m a skeptic so I need to see for myself. As it turns out this is 💯% True. 🤯
Now I’m not saying that John trump got the Tesla files, and Donald Trump is building an invisible wall and we’re in contact with “space people” but it sure does seem like an awful lot of coincidences!
Thank you 🙏🏻 so much for reading my thread! If you like it please RT and comment! I’d love your feedback. This is my first one ever and I’m just a tiny account on the twittersphere so I appreciate any and all support! #Tesla #Trump #QAnon
You can follow @Dana38374469.
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