This story says that public lands suffer from "systemic racism" and the proof is that 77% of visitors are white (about 70% of Americans are white, fwiw)
I don't know that a whole lot is to be gained by just calling virtually everything racist and pretending that cultures will adjust all of their behaviors to an arbitrary population proportion
Is the National Basketball Association systemically racist, is the Spelling Bee systemically racist, is hockey racist I mean is everything racist unless everyone arranges their behavior to these arbitrary quotas
You don't get traumatized from walking into a park and seeing white people lol
I mean there's real discrimination in America! Housing, job discrimination are two big areas where enforcement is necessary. There's also lack of opportunity. I don't know if "force minorities to go to parks so we hit some quota" is high on the list.
Race is a totally fake thing but culture is a real thing. In a multicultural society not everyone of every culture has the same interests. You can't just force people to all want the same thing. What is the breakdown of people who enjoy Sailor Moon youtube videos
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