I feel like stepping on some toes tonight.

A nice, long thread...
I love when people (usually "celebrities" trying to be "deep", but also those who parrot these goofy hypotheticals -- usually posed while foaming at the mouth and screaming in condemnative fashion toward American Blacks) ask,

"How have people come to this country from all over the world, even Blacks from Africa and the Caribbean come here and 'pass' American Blacks -- particularly from the south -- and you have been here 400+ years and still stuck in poverty?"

You don't really want the answer to that. You won't like it. How do I know? Because it has been presented time and time again; on every form of social media that I personally control, in articles I've written, cited from others far wiser and more experienced than I, etc.

Never mind non-Blacks and even Latinos (who are so far removed from their African blood, or possess none), let's just focus on Blacks who come from Africa, or by way of Europe, or the Caribbean? Even South America, where prevalent?

Look at how many Guyanese, Jamaican, Bajan, etc., or Nigerian, Kenyan, Senegalese, etc. who come here, carve out a niche (with little in reserves) but managed to turn a profitable business and expand to the point where they had generational wealth in place inside of 10 years?

It isn't about acumen. It isn't about will. It isn't about access (by and large; though in some cases it still is, to a degree). It isn't about opportunity (same as immediate prior example). It isn't about resources (same again). It's about MENTALITY.

To be sure, yes, some (emphasis: SOME) Africans come here with fight or flight adrenaline fueling them to succeed at all costs. Some instilled by their parents who possessed high demands. Some due to just having nothing/no one to fall back on in order to survive here.

Same goes for Blacks from the Caribbean. Generally the same fueling methods. But in the U.S.? The same people who try to condescend with that original question never offer solutions. You know why? They are gatekeepers for the people who represent THE PROBLEM.

Be wary of people like this. You can taunt Kanye West for a million things, but his understanding of how politics in this country work isn't one of them -- unless you're brainwashed by leftist/Marxist/socialist thinking -- which most people are for most of their lives.

To be fair, it takes a great deal to break away from the mind control brainwashing techniques of repetition of lies and propaganda throughout the 12, 13+ years of compulsory education. Then it amplifies to an infinite degree in elective, post-secondary eduation.

BUT... there's no excuse for being unwilling to critically think long and hard enough to vet what you've been told to think and realize how circular and infinite those who cause the problems society faces seem to always have the "SOLUTION" to those problems!

That celebrity on TV won't ever tell you why Africans and Blacks from the Caribbean often come here and run laps past Blacks who have been here for centuries. It isn't in their best interests to do so, so stop listening to them. They'd lose their place, if they did.

Or worse yet, become "washed (in Hollywood)" or "irrelevant", which is really a chicken/egg scenario. Once you speak the truth about Hollywood and who they support, you aren't going to be a headliner anymore.

You become "irrelevant" for speaking out LMAO not "bitter because you're no longer relevant."

I'd assert that those like James Woods, Dean Cain, the Quaids, etc. are more content and sleep like babies at night knowing their fate isn't tied to the whims and desires of some sociopath who might want them dead at any moment.

When you really get down to it, and my dad used to say this a long time ago and I couldn't fathom how he could suggest such a thing... but now I fully agree and will delve into EXACTLY WHY he was right:

"Black people were honestly better off BEFORE integration."

Oh sure, you've been led to believe that integration was the goal and zenith of Western Civilization. This isn't to preach racism, separatism, segregation or hatred between any group of people.

You can truly coexist with people who are different than you in hue, culture and comportment. In fact, you can build a beautiful society that would not exist within a homogeneous environ where everyone looks and comports themselves in the same manner.

But when the "Civil Rights" era came about, those who have only known a United States where Blacks were under their control (and this is specific to slave owners and Democrats, who were one in the same, for the most part) began panicking.

Their tactics have always been the same throughout history: create a problem and present a solution to said problem, then pat themselves on the back for solving it. We are seeing it play out before our eyes as of 7/1/2020 (for those who have eyes and an ear, let him hear).

Welfare and social systems have ruined Black people. They were largely not even present before the late 1960s. Those programs ENCOURAGED the men in Black families (which were two-parent households at the same rate of Whites and others up until this time, BTW) to LEAVE!

"LBJ" had people literally going door to door espousing this practice. Either the man leaves, or the woman his children out of wedlock and that be the way she gets the "benefits." Without delving too deeply into this decades-long phenomenon...

Fast-forward to 2020, and compare it to 1970, when poverty levels began shooting up (and the crime that invariably comes with) and look at the number of single-parent homes --

this is not to demonize ANYONE who is a single parent, as we know those scenarios exist as a result of a myriad of causes; many outside of the control of the remaining parent,

but what incentive is there to work (I don't espouse "working hard" because it is for grunts and limited thinkers -- but rather "working productively and efficiently/wisely"

-- for anyone who is the target of these programs) when the government's handouts superseded (in $ value) that which the father, mother or both broke their backs to bring home daily/weekly/monthly?

Do not some of you whose Black ancestors have been on this soil for as long as you can trace back, ever wonder how your grandparents claimed to have had a better life (subjective as is) than what you perceive today -

- which is going to get worse with more ushering in of socialism, BTW -- do you not think why this may be? They can't all say the same, no matter the family or whether or not they lived in the big city, rural areas or what not. They're not lying.

Those programs came about in the 1960s, and as soon as the Democrats saw their control over Black people rapidly waning, they went Tulsa Black Wall Street again. This time without the brute force, but through the not-so-well-intentioned government assistance programs.

There was a stigma about going on those programs because it meant not just that you were poor, but that you -- erroneous as this thinking often was -- weren't willing to do for yourself, and that you were a loser. No consideration to extenuating circumstances or the like.

Nowadays, again having fast forwarded, and you have a host of young people (again, as a lifelong sociologist as an adult, absolutes such as "all," "never," etc. to describe groups of people are antithetical to my thinking and should not be internalized as such)

Who take PRIDE in not working, milking the system, having children for sport; often recklessly, by several different partners (both males and females doing so), and find it more lucrative to do THIS than to create their own lane with the skills they possess

and also the resources available to perfect those skills and ply their craft in the marketplace; be it through a job, but more so as an entrepreneur.

There are Black people who are outright PETRIFIED of the concept of self-sufficiency and being free from dependence upon the drip-like controlled income of a job, or worse yet, handouts that the government caps.

Their minds cannot conceive such. That's why they shut down so quickly and harshly whenever you present to them the opportunity to do something for themselves.

It's easy to call anything a "pyramid scheme" (yet work within one at a company or even worse, with their subservience to the government).

But if you TRULY want to know why Black people who have been in America the longest still lag behind, while just other Blacks from anyplace else can come here and thrive in just a few years, there's your answer.

It's all about mentality. Blacks who succeed (relative to one's subjective definition of "success") here and whose history is here -- excluding professional athletes and "entertainers" --

do so because they removed the shackles of control that relying upon government assistance inevitably force upon you. That does not mean that one who comes from an impoverished, welfare-dependent background cannot thrive.

On the contrary, we know many Blacks - we all know several (personally) - who have defied those odds. But thinking you are going to live in a rent-subsidized building, while blowing all of your money on liabilities, and then feeding poison to the community (in some cases),

only to look back 20 years later and become wistful that you never put any of that money away and spend every waking moment reminiscing about the "good old drug dealing days" (just specific to those who some of us have all known who do this today),

when you could have BOUGHT the building you were skating by on rent subsidy, and every one on that block, for pennies.


In this information age, blaming others for what you don't know is no longer acceptable.

You either choose to remain in the same situation or you use the resources and information available to change your plot in life. Supporting people who seek to keep you in that state -- and history has proven this to be true, so... -- is INSANITY at its absolute apogee.

Think on these things in the coming days, weeks and months and be well.

-- mdw

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