Kenney dog whistling today is making me want to rant. So here goes.

The "Alberta Advantage" slogan force feeds us collective narcissism.

They masquerade this as part of Alberta's culture, but it is not.

Tax policy is not culture.

(Thread)👇🏾👇🏾 #ableg
This slogan is toxic because it encourages individual narcissism, toxic masculinity, systemic racism and ethnocentrism.
Some examples:

Wexit = a manifestation of ethnocentrism.

Police brutality = a manifestation of systemic racism

The other 2 points should be VERY familar to any woman who's lived in AB for any stretch of time.

Everyone should know, but women shoulder most of the consequences.
Everything that actually is Alberta culture has nothing to do with conservative tax policy.

Every time @jkenney invokes this slogan, he makes damn sure to make an association to things people actually believe are part of Alberta heritage.

Truth by association. 🤦🏾‍♂️
Progressive conservatives have only been in office since the 1970s.

Are we really supposed to believe this party's tax policy graciously gave the people of Alberta culture after living aimlessly for 70 years? 🤨
It's very self-serving that a political party fuses itself into the very fabric of a people's culture & heritage.

It perfectly explains why we have seen conservatives in power for all but 4 of the last 49 years.
"That's who we are" should never be an answer for why you vote conservative.

That's an absolute slap in the face to our democracy.

But that is the answer for many.
Changing long-standing conservative policy shouldn't feel like an attack on your core identity.

But it does for many.

This bullshit association with culture is why.
It's time the public & media stop buying into this strategic chess move.

Year after year, story after story.

Enough is enough.

Alberta has culture and a certain political party needs to stop hitching along for a ride to manipulate its way into votes.
Kenney certainly didn't start this long con, but he's taken it over and put it into overdrive.

Flip the table.

Let @jkenney & co. know the chess game is over.


Common sense wins.
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