For weeks now, I've been terrified to speak up about this. I was told I'd never work on the Hill or a campaign again if I sent these tweets. But I refuse to sit by while people like Miranda Margowsky pretend to be WOKE for clout -- hiding their own racism behind online allyship.
When we worked for @SenStabenow, a colleague & I reported Miranda for saying things like “you’ve done really well for yourself considering you’re black” and “all Egyptian men are unattractive.” She once dismissively said, "did you hear that from one of your black people blogs?"
Miranda was the lead spokesperson and a senior staff member to one of the top Democrats in the U.S. Senate, not to mention the senior Senator from a state that includes #Detroit, #Flint, #Dearborn, and other prominent communities of color.
She was given warnings but never fired, only PROMOTED. Our supervisor + the CD for @SenStabenow, Matt Williams, did nothing to stop her behavior. Instead, he made me feel bad for bringing it to his attention and said I needed to get used to her rough, "east-coast" style.
Miranda now works as a PRINCIPAL at @precisionstrat, a top progressive marketing firm founded by my former boss @jomalleydillon and other Obama alum. Each day, I worry about the pain + humiliation Miranda could cause other young POCs who work with her and for her.
If you are an employer and want to learn about ways to address racism and microaggressions in the workplace, there are experts at @ColorOfChange who can provide tools and resources.

This type of fake, online allyship is bad for your clients and bad for your BRAND.
Black people face violence every day, not just from the police. These types of daily microaggressions from people like #AmyCooper can be just as insidious and detrimental to our livelihood. I'm so grateful for @MsPackyetti + @mocowan who spoke about this recently.
Dr. Maya Angelo once said, “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

I will never forget how Miranda made me feel and the racist comments she said to me and my friends on the Hill.
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