in "are prisons obsolete?" davis points out how the logic of the prison is so available in the art we consume, and that art is the way people interface and normalize prisons - i've been keeping a list of things that i watch that do this and its honestly kind of astounding
obviously i don't think that making anti-carceral media will topple the PIC or prisons themselves, but it's especially fascinating to me that for people who aren't deeply intertwined w the PIC, tv and movies are really the main conduit through which we get info about prisons
art is also such a powerful medium for imagining alternative systems or scenarios (in my opinion!!), so its worth asking how we can begin to create stories and worlds that don't rely on this logic
i shouldn't say "begin" perhaps, i am sure this work is being produced by people further along in this journey than i .......
a few people have asked to see the list. i really just started it with my most recent reread of the book (a few weeks ago), so its VERY incomplete
i dont super watch cop shows (i used to be into criminal minds but not anymore), but all of those obviously belong on this list too, as well as Oz and any other show/work dealing with people's experiences in prison. also a lot of theatre but i havent seen or read a play in months
I'd argue that even media that lambasts the criminal justice system often reifies it as well; i'm not aware of media where this happens and the system itself is changed, only where individuals are able to escape its clutches
foucault has a term for the "individuals escaping the system" thing and its effects but im not looking it up for a twitter thread lol
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