This is my COVID data is BS thread. First up, this video from Collin County TX showing PROBABLES are counted in our numbers. The threshold to qualify as a probable will shock you.
Here the CDC admits a positive antibody text could just mean you had a “cold”. Logically, the same could be true for a positive viral test. Which means this clown parade could go on for infinity.
And here the CDC admits to retesting the same person multiple times, but counting each positive in the data.
Hundreds of reports from front line workers. Here is one...
As a nurse, I have been taught FOR DECADES that masks do not work to prevent viral spread. These experts agreed 3 months ago. #fishy
Finally, the cherry on top. 99% of our media is owned by six billionaires who have an agenda.
Adding this ABC video from end of February. Prove to me that the decades-long research into mask usage has made a complete flip in the past few months...
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