Georgia again!😡 Programmable vote suppression deployed by @GaSecofState---
Geek warning for this thread.

The new voting system has optional settings on the scanner/tabulator software to DETECT and RECORD certain mail ballot votes, but NOT COUNT them. 1/
2/ Many voters (particularly older voters who did not take standardized tests) mark the ovals on the ballot with check marks or X's. Some make light marks, or color the ovals with light blue ink. Here are some typical marks that people use. (from @clearballot website).
3/ If the machine read the vote, and humans can read it, why not count it?

GA. law says officials must count it, of course.

But @GaSecofState says that he doesn't have to count them if they don't met his definition of "blackening the oval," even when the scanner records them.
4/ He claims (as does @stphnfwlr ) that the law we point to below is archaic and only applies to hand counted ballots, not optical scanned ballots.

But that's not true. The law is quite clear and quite current. Keep reading.
5/ The law for hand marked ballots read by optical scanner says that voter intent must be honored and the vote counted and references 21-2-438 above (the section that the SOS says is archaic and N/A. He's wrong. )⬇️
6/ In fact, THIS SPRING, the St. Elex. Bd. updated the rule below, that reinforces the requirement to count votes according to voter intent. Hardly archaic!
7/ There is no reason to suppress the counting of non-uniform votes. The Dominion scanner detects there votes, records them, and could count them accurately, but the SOS turned on software to NOT count the votes as their tweet below indicates.
But it's in conflict with GA law.
8/ The claim that 29%+ is a vote in GA is nonsense. That is what the SOS made up and imposed for some reason yet unclear.

Counties have handled this software setting flaw differently, but likely leaving uncounted votes everywhere.
9/ There was a 13 vote count difference in a 104,000 ballot contest in Gwinnett, and yesterday, the Gwinnett Bd. of Elex. refused to even look for these suppressed votes. Refused to discuss it.

These people need to be replaced before Nov.
10/ Hey @JasmineForHD108, you seem to be the only lawmaker who has devoted the time to understand this arbitrary vote counting scheme.

How do we get candidates and the parties to push back on the @GaSecofState AND their local county boards, who are equally responsible for this?
11/ When you consider how such a tool could be used in a malicious manner to turn filters up and down at will to count more or less votes, it becomes clear why @CoalitionGoodGv is angry about the use of this dangerous tool.
12/ Please support our efforts to bring accountability to Georgia's elections. We need to escalate our legal actions to seek relief from the courts. Please help us do that. The need is undeniable! 
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