Don’t even think of saying, “Well, you see, those old people put on ventilators were already very sick and close to dying.” NO medical treatment that kills 97.2 percent of patients in a well-defined group is continued, unless there are orders mandating it. Unless there are...
...are orders mandating it. Unless there is added insurance money to be made from it. Unless the doctors are willing to keep using the treatment, despite the results.

New York—the “epicenter of the pandemic”—is an epicenter of killing old people...
...Public health agencies think: “How can we falsely explain all these old people dying, in terms that will operate as a diversion and a cover story?”

And they come up with: “Well, of course these elderly people already had medical problems before the COVID virus came along,..
...and yes, these problems contributed to their demise. But in the end, the cause of death was the VIRUS…”

A convenient and false statement.

This is "A Mandate for Money and Murder," authorized by Cuomo.
Wake up America!
#QAnon #Covid19 #WWG1WGA
#GreatAwakening #FactsMatter
The TRUTH is right in front of you.
"Without these gigantic death numbers, the illusion of a pandemic would fall apart in an hour."
#FireFauci #FireBirx #StopTheHoax #Covid19 #FactsMatter
@realDonaldTrump @VP @Surgeon_General @SecPompeo @DonaldJTrumpJr @IvankaTrump @FBI @DHSgov
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