The most prevalent cognitive error made by conservatives on Twitter is to feel keenly every loss, setback and limitation suffered by the right and to fail to even acknowledge the same things when faced by the left. >
It is probably a corollary of the above that for every conservative wondering when we're going to get ACTION and someone's going to DO SOMETHING, a wise leftist is wondering

"Damn, why is Trump so ... quiet all of a sudden?

"What's he up to?" >
Panicservatives can't even grock that this question could exist. They actually RT and QT, with complete credulity, preposterous anonymous-source fiction from the @nytimes to the effect that Trump has had it, he doesn't want it anymore, blah blah blah. Recycled from early 2017. >
But the wise man tries to put himself in the shoes of his adversary, who is indeed pondering,

"Surely Trump isn't done all of a sudden. It can't be nothing is afoot. He has beaten every one of our plots, that bastard - he can't possibly be curling up into a ball NOW?" >
I don't have inside information. And even unlike the passionate, analytical and creative @COsweda, I don't claim to have a complete character profile of @realDonaldTrump in my vest pocket.

But try for a moment to put yourselves in your adversary's shoes. >
What is he thinking right now? <>
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