Every stock photo of people watching football on tv is so far from the truth (Thread)
This lot appear to be supporting at least five teams
What are these guys sitting on? No one could do that for 90
All these guys look cleaned up like they're about to go on a first date. Not bothered with plates or napkins for the pizza though
"Grandad, why are we sitting like this?"

"It's how I watched football with my grandad. It's very normal."
Man 1: Yay, my team scored.
Man 2: *attempts murder*

This one is ballpark real, except that they look like they're in IKEA
This is the closest-to-reality stock photo of a football fan I could find.

In utter despair. Wearing a hoodie. Multiple drinks in front of him. Has already smashed a full bowl of chips and has another ready.

But no real football fan would place a ball in front of the screen.
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