I love seeing women who are recovering/recovered from eating disorders and aren’t thin or toned. I follow a lot of ED recovery pages/people, and so many of them post pictures of their very thin or muscular bodies. Don’t get me wrong, if that’s where recovery takes them-
-more power to them. If they’re healthy that’s all that matters. But we don’t all look like that, and those pictures do nothing to combat the fears that many ED sufferers have about “becoming fat.” I don’t have a toned body. I’ve gained 25 pounds since recovery-
-My body is soft, I have stomach rolls, im not muscular. I’m combating dysmorphia/dysphoria feelings everyday. It would go a long ways in helping me feel better if average/fat bodies got the same praise for recovering that very skinny and toned bodies get-
-There’s a picture(probably more than 1 TBH, I’m not going to post it bc I hate it) that I have seen a lot of an overweight man wearing an “I beat anorexia” shirt. It gets passed around the Internet like a joke. Because the idea of an anorexic being fat is a joke.-
-How can society act like they want people with EDs to get better when they constantly make jokes out of recovery, fat people, weight gain? So here’s to my women who are recovering and aren’t skinny, who aren’t toned, who have bodies they used to fear, who are fat. I love us!
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