Here's your Cold Email Blueprint.

Your action plan for signing a client within the next 30 days.

1/ Pick a niche for your service.

> Does this niche NEED what you're offering?
> Do they regularly check their email?
> Do they have money?

If all these check off, move to step 2.
2/ Collect leads.

Some tools you can use are D7 Lead Finder, LinkedIn, BuiltWith, Uplead, IcyLeads, and Anymailfinder.

Gather at least 300 leads who you know can afford your service (no small business).
3/ Write personalized first lines.

Have all of your leads in a Google Sheet. Make a column titled "First Line."

In that column, compliment each prospect on something they've posted or something about their business.

Personal enough that you couldn't send it to anybody else.
4/ Upload the Google Sheet to Mailshake.

In week 1 you'll send 100 emails.

Split these 100 up into 4 different subject lines.
5/ Here's how to write your body.

"Hey {{first name}}. {{first line}}

My name's X and I just helped {{another company like theirs}} get {{desired result}} using {{your method}}.

Are you free this week for a call?"
6/ See which subject line won your test.

Put up the other 200 with that subject line.

Test tweaks in the body.

If you don't get sales calls from this, then something is probably wrong with your offer.
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