I'm a Neuroradiologist whose main job is to read Cat Scans and MRIs from Emergency rooms at night across the United states. Ask Me Anything about COVID-19.

I'll answer some of the most common questions below.
How does COVID-19 compare to the flu?

As it stands right now, COVID-19 kills one out of every 150 people it infects.
The flu kills one out of every 2,000.

This includes asymptomatic cases for both diseases. There a lot of people who don't have symptoms with either.
One BIG difference is most people for the flu have a 2-5 days illness and are fine later. COVID-19 can cause permanent damage in the people who don't die with 10-15% of the people having hospitalization, 2-3% having major complications.
Now, we need more data to show the antibodies are protection, but I could seriously see this and other vaccines showing they work by December. The only problem is that it might be another year until we can get 300 million doses.
Also, it is possible that the vaccine will only be effective in half the people and there are some anti-vaxxers who wouldn't take it. So COVID-19 will probably still be here a year from now, but those of us smart vaccine takers won't have to worry as much.
I was sick in December and I think I had COVID. Is that possible???

Absolutely positively not. If it was in the US then it would have already spread everywhere and by Jan we would have had the huge outbreak.
Seattle happened to be studying the Flu. They had taken nasal swabs of everybody who came in for Flu symptoms from December until March. They tested all of these samples for COVID in March to see if they missed any cases. https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMc2008646
The FIRST case in Seattle was Feb 24th. Then you can see the outbreak start to happen right after.

So unless you traveled to China, You DID NOT have COVID for any sickness before March.
Now, that is not to say that a state like Florida would be stupid enough to allow it. But with the spiking numbers any sporting event means there will be tons more cases later.
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