Socialism 101: Dialectical and Historical Materialism ☆ 1/21

Before we can fully grasp Dialectical Materialism, we need to understand it's two core parts: Dialectics and Materialism.
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Dialectics is the srudy of contradiction. It states that all things are in motion, nothing is eternal, but eternally changing. All things are in the process of going from the state of one thing to the state something new.
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Such is for example, the process of time itself, growth of a plant, aging of a person. Dialectics has a process which it follows. That is, thesis, antithesis; synthesis.
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We start with a thing, whenever it is an object, a condition, an idea, does not matter. The starting thing (in our case an idea) is to us a thesis. Overtime, it either comes in contact with, or creates its opposite.
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This opposite (in our case a new idea) represents a negation, a contradiction to the existence of the thesis, it is an antithesis. These two will conflict with one another until their differences are resolved...
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And from this, a synthesis is born. The synthesis is itself a new thesis, which follows the same pattern of development. From this, we can understand that all things are constantly moving towards their negation...
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The thesis itself is a form of negation, it is the negation of the negation. Now that we understand what dialectics are, we need to understand the second core aspect, which is materialism.
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Materialist philosophy places the physical world over the metaphysical world. It states that all ideas, things and beliefs are born from the physical reality, and only later translated into thoughts and ideas...
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And that all thoughts and ideas are themselves influenced directly by the material world around them. Materialism in contrast to idealism, holds that the material world has direct influence over thoughts and ideas.
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So then, what is Dialectical Materialism? Dialectical Materialism is the application of the dialectical method of analysis to the materialist understanding of the world around us...
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It views history as a set of conditions and human relations which form internal contradictions, as opposed to viewing it as a set of ideas and concepts.Historical Materialism is applying the study of DiaMat to a...
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Historical analysis. A perfect example of this is analysing modes of production. Like the example we gave before, all modes of production start with cergsin thesis, which eventually comes in contact with their antithesis
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This is why modes of production change overtime, every mode of production creates internal contradictions within itself, which get resolved by it's destruction and its replacement with a new one.
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For example, slave society starts with the population needing higher yields of production, and in turn creates a population to produce them. But as soon as this is done, you get two antagonistic camps...
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Of people whose interests exist in contradiction with one another. The contradiction is then solved, as slave revolts happen, which dismantle the system and create material conditions which necessitate feudalism.
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From this, we can understand that like anything else, modes of productions are moving towards their negation. Slave society for example was the synthesis between tribal and feudal society.
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Similarly, capitalism is the synthesis between feudal society and socialism, and this helps us understand what communism is for us Marxists.
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In the words of Marx himself:

"Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established...[we] call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things..."
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